
Want to get started on your next design project? Let’s talk! Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you shortly. Can’t wait to connect!

Frequently Asked Questions

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What did you study in college?

My background is pretty diverse. I have three college degrees: communication with a concentration in social influence, studio art and interior design.

What is your personality like?

A little about my personality: Turns out I’m an ENFJ. Have you ever taken a Myers-Briggs test? If not, I highly recommend you do so! In a nutshell, I am someone who feels they’re called to serve a greater purpose in life (hence my design business). I am an idealistic person who strives to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them. I’m always up for a new challenge and opportunity to do the right thing, even if it’s far from easy (AKA being vegan… the dissonance I experienced prior to being vegan was enough to drive me to make that change for myself!). I’m extremely vocal about my values and I can easily pick up on others’ emotions. I’m an empath at heart who wants others to be their best selves. It makes me genuinely happy to see others succeed while following their true passion. To live an authentic life, we must stop conforming to someone else’s definition of success and start listening to our higher self. I hope that my energy radiates through your computer screen or phone and motivates you to be your best self too!

How did you meet your husband?

Alex and I met in middle school! That’s right! He moved from New Jersey to Maryland and we were in the same homeroom class. Alex was just a bit shy around girls back then, so I had to wait until 10th grade to make my move at the winter snowball dance. We became an official couple in 2007. After high school, Alex and I went to the University of Maryland, College Park. We got married in 2016 in Miami, FL and now we reside in northern VA! The rest is history as they say.

Tell us more about Hershey & Lilo the chocolate labs

We got Hershey in 2014 right after graduating college. I turned my personal Instagram into his account because his photos were getting more likes and shares than my content ha! Fast forward to 2016. We got Lilo after our honeymoon and named her Lilo because we went to Maui, HI, where the movie Lilo & Stitch is based. Unfortunately, Lilo has elbow dysplasia and got surgery in 2016 when she was just 6 months old. She’s living her best life now and we’re so fortunate to have her in our lives. Hershey & Lilo are best friends and totally inseparable. You can follow their adventures on Instagram @hershey.lilo.thelabs.

You’ve mentioned health issues in the past. Can you elaborate on that?

I’ve struggled with TMJ issues since I was a teen. Things started to progress in my late 20’s and eventually I had to get surgery after failed conservative treatment. Three surgeries later, and one titanium prosthetic, and I’m finally healed! I still struggle with nerve and muscular pain daily, but I don’t have the excruciating pain I had pre op. If you struggle with TMJD, shoot me an email. I’m more than happy to chat with you and point you in the right direction. Many doctors will claim they’re specialists when they truly aren’t. I have great connections and I’d love to help you if possible!

What jobs did you have after graduating college?

I first worked in sales at a B2B publishing firm selling digital and print advertisements for a satellite magazine. This job strengthened my tenacious attitude and forced me to have a “grit” mindset. Sales isn’t easy. Especially when you aren’t passionate about what you’re selling. But I was able to gain so many fundamental business skills and communication tactics in this role. I then went back to school for interior design and worked at a local boutique while juggling my studies. I took on another design internship with a local designer who was featured on HGTV and then started a full time job at a residential and commercial design firm as a regional design manager. I combined my sales skills with my passion for design and helped builders furnish their model interiors. After that job, I decided to make a switch back to my marketing roots and joined a local marketing agency in Northern VA. I managed complete rebrands for clients and guided them throughout the way to ensure their visual identity and content was aligned with their growth strategy. My last corporate job was at an LA agency. Other than that, I worked at Havenly as a virtual contract designer in the past.  Sometimes the goal we set for ourselves isn’t what WE actually want to truly do. We conform to society’s expectations because we’re afraid to take the leap. Well, guess who jumped? This girl. That brings me to my interior design business! I’m excited to see where my creative journey takes me and the impact I will make in others lives . I have big plans and aspirations that are quite lofty. I won’t let anything or anyone distract me from my vision these days. I’m finally where I’m meant to be.